Terms and Conditions

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Dear parents,

Here are some of our nursery policies with some brief information for each. A full copy of all our policies are available by the main entrance where you are free to look at them at your convenience. If you do have any concerns or questions about our principles and practice, please see Nicola or Sheri.   


1 -Aims and objectives of springwood nursery.

To maintain a welcoming, secure and stimulating environment in which young minds and bodies can grow happily at their own pace. To include all children in all of our routines and activities and to adapt these where necessary for total inclusion. To help children to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities relevant to their needs, and the will to use them.


2-Admissions Policy

Applications for the Springwood nursery school will be accepted via the sources of; telephone, written format or informal visit. A standard application form will be completed or details accepted from the telephone and the applicant placed on the waiting list. Once a place has become available for the child, a letter of confirmation will be sent, then the family will be encouraged to make full use of the pre-admission visit and be introduced to named workers to discuss any matters or worries which parents may have. A mutual time will then be agreed for the child to start. A deposit is required in order to secure your child’s place at Springwood, £30.00 for pre school children and £50.00 for babies, toddlers & tweenies. This is refundable against your first months fees.


3- Arrivals and departures

Children arrive and depart from the front entrance of Springwood, the door is always kept locked and parents must ring the bell to gain entry. Upon arrival the children at Springwood are greeted by member of staff, who helps them take of their outdoor clothes. This is an opportunity for parents to talk to a member of staff, and also for parents to give instructions regarding medication or a change of person collecting the child from the nursery.


4- Discipline

Throughout the day spent at Springwood, the children must be given the chance of appropriate play opportunities. Sensitivity should be demonstrated as to the length of time spent in the day care environment. The child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs are of paramount importance. The staff are trained to anticipate potential problems and redirect children in a positive manner.  At Springwood we encourage Positive Behaviour throughout all our activities. We encourage sharing, negotiation, tidying up, caring for others and showing respect for ourselves and others. All children are valued as individuals even though their behaviour may sometimes be unacceptable. Lots of rewards are given at the Nursery like charts, stickers, certificates, praise and encouragement.


5- Equal opportunities

All staff employed to work within Springwood Nursery School will be made aware of the importance of equal opportunities and must also demonstrate a commitment to it. Staff working with children must treat them all with equal concern. They should value and respect the different racial origins, religions, culture and languages in a multi-racial society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping. 


5A –      Equality & Diversity Policy

Statement of intent

Our nursery is committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families.

We aim to: 

1       provide a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are valued;

2       include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity;

3       provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and people with disabilities;

4       improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity; and

5       make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the setting.


6- Transition policy

We believe that through effective communication links between parents/carers, practitioners at our setting and teachers at school, we can achieve a smooth transition for the child and family concerned. We aim to adhere to this policy to ensure that the children are able to achieve maximum success during all phases of their education and care.


7- Child protection policy

We accept that it is our responsibility to check that all adults with substantial access to children have been appropriately vetted. We will ensure that every new member of staff, student or volunteer completes an application form and staff details sheet.

We will ask for the names of two referees who will be prepared to provide a written reference. We will follow up each reference with a telephone call or personal contact during which we will discuss the applicant’s suitability to work with children. A record of the discussion will be kept in the applicants file. We will interview prospective volunteers and staff. We will carry out a probationary period for all volunteers and staff of at least 3 months. 

We have systems in place to ensure that all staff and volunteers working with children are monitored and supervised and that they have opportunities to learn about child protection in accordance with their roles and responsibilities. Staff are asked to attend relevant courses and training days to learn about child protection and awareness. 

CRB checks are carried out on all staff, volunteers and students before they are left unattended with children.


8- Child protection policy statement

We are committed to providing an environment where every child can enjoy the right to live its life free from harm or abuse or potential harm or abuse. The responsibility for promoting, developing and monitoring child protection within Nursery rests with the child protection officer and the management team. But the responsibility to respond to signs of abuse or an allegation rests with everyone. At all times staff will remember that child protection is a matter that needs to be dealt with sensitively and in confidence.


9- Whistle blowing Policy

At Springwood all staff, students and volunteers are required to report any misconducts immediately to Nicola Osborne or the deputy. Staff are asked to read the every child matters publication titled ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’ to equip them with knowledge and confidence to respond and act accordingly if they do have any concerns about a child’s safety and welfare. There is a copy of this document in each of our nursery rooms.

Within this policy, staff have a duty to inform the management team of any misconducts or mal-practice they have witnessed, they must also report any breaches of company policy, any unacceptable behaviour towards children or any suspicions they have, no matter how big or small. Staff will be notified of who is in charge if the manger is not in the nursery. E.g. deputy or room supervisor.


10- Administration of medicine policy

Parents/carers with parental responsibility;

  • Must endeavour to give as many doses of the medicine at home as is practicable. The child’s wellbeing is predominately the responsibility of the parent/guardian and the doctor/dentist will be only to happy to offer advise on times of medication in order to avoid too many doses being given at Nursery.
  • Should be aware of those infectious diseases which should result in not sending their child to the setting.
  • Will provide the setting with sufficient information about their child’s medical condition, medication and treatment or special care needed.
  • Must take responsibility for ensuring that their child is well enough to attend the setting in line with our sick child policy. They must be well enough to take part in all learning activities. 

The manager on duties responsibility;

  • Only the manager/Deputy manager is permitted to administer medications.
  • They must complete a medication form with the parent and list all medicines on a separate form kept on the front of the medication cabinet. 
  • The manager will check the dispensary label for;

-the child’s name

-prescribed dose

-expiry date and dispensed date

– written instructions provided by the prescriber on the label or container.



11- Confidentiality policy

The nursery should recognize that children and parents have a right to expect that confidentiality be maintained. To ensure that all those working in early education can do so with confidence, we will respect confidentiality in the following ways: Parents will have ready access to the files and records of their own children, but will not have access to information about any other child. Staff will not discuss individual children, other than for the purposes of curriculum planning, with people other than the parents or carers of the child. Information given by parents/carers to staff at the nursery will not be passed on to other adults without permission. Issues relating to the employment of staff will remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions. Any anxieties or evidence relating to a child’s personal safety will be kept in a confidential file in the office and only the manager and owner will have access to it.


12- Administration of Calpol

At Springwood we will only administer calpol if it is prescribed by the  doctor and has the child’s name on, Apart from emergency circumstances when a child’s temperature rises very quickly or the parent/carer is unable to get to nursery straight away and the child requires the calpol to bring his/her temperature down. Only Nicola or the person in charge that day will have the authority to administer the recommended dose of calpol on the bottle and must get the parent/carers signature on the medication form when they collect their child. 


If you require your child to receive calpol from the nursery, it must be prescribed by a doctor in the last 4 weeks and you must sign the medicine form in the morning which states :-

. The child’s name

. Dosage needed

. The last time your child had calpol

. Time you require your child to receive the medicine

. Date and signature of parent and staff in the morning 


 When the manager has administerd the calpol she will sign to state time given. At the end of the day you will be asked to sign the form so that you can see exactly what time your child was administered the calpol.


13- Sick child policy

The Department for Health recommends that no child may attend the nursery while suffering from one of the communicable diseases and they should be excluded for the minimum periods recommended.

Coughs and colds do not normally require the child to be excluded but this depends on the severity and how the child is able to cope with the nursery routine. A child who is, or who appears to be unwell may be refused admission.

Although exposure of children to a communicable disease is not in itself sufficient reason to require their exclusion from nursery, any child who becomes a home contact of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers will be excluded.

Should a child become ill whilst at nursery, the Nursery Manager will contact the parent. A child who is sick or has diarrhoea whilst at the nursery is to be collected immediately and kept away for 24 hours following the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. Parents will always be contacted and informed if their child has a high temperature of 101F / 38C or above.


14- Accident & Emergency

All accidents are recorded in our accident book, a brief description is given as well as the location, any treatment given and the time, date and signature of the member of staff on duty. The manager will then check that the recording is accurate and sign along with any witnesses. If the manager feels that a parent/guardian should immediately be informed of the incident then they will be contacted.


15- Failure to collect a child

In the event of a child not being collected our procedure would be……..

To phone parent/guardian to see where they are (all contact numbers will be used) If the parent/guardian was not contacted for a lunch time child then we would keep on trying throughout the course of the day. If we still could not reach anyone by the end of the day or for full time / pm children 30 minutes after 6pm closing then Social Services will be contacted. In the event of reoccurring lateness from a parent over 10 minutes a late charge of £10.00 pounds will be made.


16- Complaints

It is hoped that initial complaints will be dealt with in an informal manner with either the member of staff most relevant, alongside the support of a senior staff member, this resulting in an immediate response. A complaints book will be held within the office and each complaint, no matter how small will be recorded in it. Alongside the recording of the complaint will be noted the person responding to the complaint, length of time taken to respond and the outcomes. In the case of serious complaint, where the complainant feels the matter is still not resolved, then the Inspection Officer must be involved and the complainant informed of this option.


All complaints can be made to

Nicola Osborne

Springwood Nursery

01925 722080




Early Year OFSTED

3rd Floor

Royal Exchange Buildings

St Ann’s Square


M2 7LA


Tel 0845 604 4772